Meaning of The Lenormans Day Card „The Ship“
You draw the Leonmand card „The Ship“?
Relationship and love – lenormand day card the ship
If you have drawn the Lenormand Day Card “the Ship”, that can mean in terms of “partnership and love” that you will meet someone on a trip. Another meaning for this card is that it is about time for you and your partner, to plan a trip and get some relaxing time together. If this card lies in your past this means that perhaps you have already met someone on a trip and that this person awakes in you the wanderlust and nostalgia. Another meaning can be that you will go onto business trips. Maybe you will meet someone during this trip and you will be attracted by this person. This card can also stand for a long-distance romance. In this case this card stands for the weekend trips which you are doing, in order to spend some time with your partner. Sometimes something have or will happen during this trip which has an important meaning and which has an influence in further developments.

Friends and family – lenormand day card the ship
In matters of Family and friends the Lenormand Day Card “ship” can also mean that you are planning a trip with your family or friends. Perhaps you are currently on a trip and in order to get further information’s about the outcome it is necessary to add some more cards. Another meaning could be that it is about time for you to go on a trip in order to relax a little bit, but your financial situation is not allowing you to go onto this trip. The Nostalgia and Wanderlust is playing a significant role in this case. Sometimes your family is living far away; in this case the Leornmand “Ship card” can have the meaning that you will be reunited in the very near future with them.
CAREER AND FINANCES – lenormand day card the ship
In matters of Career and finances the Leornmand day card “the ship” usually stands for a location change. That means that a new Job plays a significant role. If you are currently looking for a new job this could mean that you will do a trip to an interview. If this is the case draw at least two more cards, in order to figure out how successful this meeting will be. But the financially happiness can also lie somewhere else. Perhaps you are currently planning a trip to another country? If your answer is yes in this case there could be chances that you will find professional and financial benefits.
In the professional and financial life area this card can stand for an important and significant business trip, perhaps with a new customer or investment.Than it is advisable to draw again a second and third card to know more about the out coming from this trip.
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